Mineral Lake is naturally stocked with blue gill, and large mouth bass that once overflowed from Eagle Lake, just east of the ghost town. As a guest at Ruby, you are free to fish without any additional licensure. We do ask that you let us know when you'd like to fish in advance, so we can ensure that you have a competitive and enjoyable time.
After checking in with the caretaker, park near the Ramada, and enjoy the walk across the sand to Mineral Lake, or down the opposite bank to Town Lake (no fish). The sand is deceptively treacherous to drive on, and unless launching a boat, the road above the lake should not be used for vehicle traffic. PLEASE WALK TO LAKE TO FISH. Carry boats over. Here are a few requests for our fisher-people: -Bass are catch and release only: Handle only lips and keep out of dirt, release gently with minimal touching. -No live bait released into lake -Electric motors permissible. (No gas engines.) Please take a moment when packing up to gather all trash, stray lures, and lines and pack everything out with you. (We once found an owl with fishing line tangled around his legs!) This helps keep the beach safe for all creatures. Please check inciweb.nwcg.gov for area fires. Photo by Rob Vaugh / Instagram @robvaughn_